Armchair Organizer with an Hexagons Pocket

Hi everyone! I've abandoned this lovely blog of mine for almost an year, but I've decided it's time to start writing on it again. Life has been difficult in the past months but now I'm going to turn things for the best!

What is funny is that my latest post was a gift for a friend (the blue bag with the blue zipper pouch) and now this new post is also a gift for that very same friend! :)

It's an armchair organizer with an hexagons pocket and a removable pincushion! I admit I was inspired by a lot of pictures of different organizers I saw online (especially on Pinterest) but I used my own inspiration to create this final piece.

Detail of the backing. Using the blanket stitch for sewing the front of the binding was inspired by Pat Sloan, I've seen her using this stitch for this exact same use and I thought it was a great idea!

The idea is to have something to keep everything together and organized while sewing on the couch or on an armchair. While I handquilt on my couch I always loose my thimble or much worse my needle so I thought she would enjoy this! (Now I need to make one for myself as well!)

What inspired me at first was that I really wanted to make her something with hexagons. We share a great love for hexies! See that cute little monster hexie? Next week you'll now why he's there! (Spoiler!)

What I love the most is this detail. I initally thought to cut the top of the hexagons, then I decided to use the blanket stitch to seal together the top, the cotton batting and the lining and I'm so pleased with the result!

Opposite to the pocket there is this decorative side. On the top you can see the removable (with velcro) pincushion I made using one of my favorite fabrics in my stash!
I've published this on some Fb groups I'm in and a couple of people asked for the pattern, so maybe one day I'll write a tutorial :) but I need to have one ruler in inches, because I work in metric!

That's all for now, see you next Monday!


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